I first spoke to Zoe when she was struggling with her mental health, early on in the pregnancy. I offered support and guidance through this time and a year on, she wanted to share her story. This made me super emotional and I totally wasn't expecting it!
Hi Hannah,
I hope you are Well? I spoke to you a fair bit during my pregnancy after having a rough time at the start with the hcg levels and anxiety. You helped a lot!
It's nearly my son's first birthday and I came across am old email to you and realised that I never really said thank you or updated you. Seems a shame to only have dumped all the crappy bits on you.
Thomas was born 23rd September 2017 at home, in the birthing pool with my husband and doula. The labour was 4.5 hours long and I only had 10 minutes of gas and air at the end (not so much through choice....the midwife forgot the mouthpiece). I had a second degree tear which had to be sorted in hospital but all in all it was a very calm and quick birth.
The first three months were hard with the lack of sleep and breastfeeding but things soon improved and I'm still breastfeeding and Thomas has slept through the night most the time (odd bout of sickness or teething) since 6 months. I'm still breastfeeding too. Had no issues with PND, had amazing support from my health visitor whom I can still contact and has said when I get pregnant next, I can still contact.
This year has been the most amazing of my life and I can't wait to have more babies in time. I'm going back to work part time in October so Thomas will be in nursery in the mornings but he is such a happy, sociable and content guy that I think he will be just fine. Thank you so much for all your help and support. It really did help having someone listen and be so supportive and understanding. It was rough at the time but was only a short time in the pregnancy and this last year really has been amazing.
I've attached a photo of Thomas when he was born....my husband took it in the hospital while I had stitches.

Then one from the last few weeks of us.

He's a well travelled little man; we took him to Bruges on boxing day for a few nights, then Canada to meet my family there in February and we are going to mallorca the day after his birthday. Hope this is okay to email you. I guess sometimes people only contact you when they aren't well then sometimes you don't know what happens after.
So wanted to tell you everything really is amazing and I'm loving motherhood and the fact i got here has a lot to do with the work you do. So thank you.
Zoë x
If you want to have a positive pregnancy, birth and motherhood, with amazing support from your teacher, get in touch! I am taking bookings for all my hypnobirthing & antenatal classes, for anyone due late october onwards. You've got this.