An unplanned caesarean would often be classed as a birthing woman's worst nightmare, but in this case, it was the safest option for Kirsty and her baby Arthur. Congratulations lovely!
Hey Hannah!!! So who came into our world on tuesday!!! 💙
My labour stated on Monday night with Back sensations, I did relaxation visualIsations and tons of breathing taught by you, this carried into Tuesday, I was so excited!! Things were finally moving after our baby not wanting to venture out at 40+6!!! However, Not the delivery I wanted. In fact the VERY opposite!!!
I wanted a calmness water birth with soft lights and my relaxing playlist!! Baby had other ideas! I had reduced-well no movements from this little fella on Tuesday. I wasn’t sure if this was because I had Surges that kept on coming and I hadn’t realised he had been moving, but something did not feel right to me, so I called triage and got advised to pop in for monitoring. I honestly thought we would go in and be monitored and all would be fine and I’d be home for tea and biscuits within the hour!!! Turns out this little Human was not a happy man! His heart rate was dropping with every contraction-at 1cm dilated this was not good news.
On examination the doctor asked if my waters had gone-I want aware that they had, but there wasn’t any in me! Little mans heart rate was dropping all this time so the decision was not ours to make.
Before I knew it I was in theatre, Matt looking like an extra from holby city in his crocks and our little boy make a dramatic entrance into the world! Arthur Ernest was born at 11:57pm on Tuesday weighing in at 8lb5. My little chunk!! Such a rollercoaster. But he is perfect and I am fine!
Daddy was AMAZING while having the section we had such amazing connection tons of eye contact and he held my hand through-we were in our own bubble during this scary time! I have never loved two people more right now!!!!!💙💙💙💙💙 and I now live in a house of boys!!! Even the cats a boy!!!! 🤦🏻♀️

Kirsty took my #reframeyourbirth 8hr course, which prepares you for all birthing options. It had a great impact on her mindset! If you are interested in taking the course too, get in touch now!